Tag Archives: Space Songs

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Space Songs (2025)”!

Hi, everyone!

We had our first full moon of the year this week, also known as the Wolf Moon, so let’s, as they say, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

Let’s blast off as we jam to a solar system of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Space Songs (2022)”!

Hi, everyone!

This week’s Jammin’ with Jamie is ready for launch! Strap in and get ready to take off as we count down to launch our set of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Continued Cosmic Choruses”!

Hi, everyone!

Last week, Jammin’ with Jamie beamed up a set of space songs to celebrate Star Trek Beyond beaming down into theaters across the galaxy!

Here’s the trailer…

You sent me some great requests last week, which means our mission’s not over yet! It’s time for…

Set phasers to “jam”!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Space Songs”!

Hi, everyone!

It’s time for another Jammin’ with Jamie jam session celebrating a new film release!

Last week, Star Trek Beyond boldly went into theaters across the galaxy!

Here’s the trailer…

So set your phasers to “stun,” make sure all your red shirts are way in the back of your closet (unless you’re Scotty), and buckle up, as we boldly go… where no jam session has gone before…

Beam us up!