Monthly Archives: February 2019

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Friendship Follies (2019) (Part 1)”!

Hi, everyone!

Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate romance… which, let’s be honest, gets celebrated a lot. What doesn’t get celebrated as much is friendship. So let’s do it ourselves!

Friends are special people. They aren’t tied to us by romance, and often aren’t related to us by blood, and yet, they still choose to care about us and become a part of our lives.

… But before they realize exactly what they’ve gotten themselves into, let’s delay that epiphany with a flood of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Sidesplitting Serenades (2019) (Part 2)”!

Hi, everyone!

Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but just like how a relationship can linger after it’s over, so does this twisted Jammin’ with Jamie theme…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Sidesplitting Serenades (2019) (Part 1)”!

Hi, everyone!

It’s time for one of Jammin’ with Jamie’s grand and beloved traditions! … Beloved by me, anyway.

A certain divisive holiday is lurking just around the corner… Valentine’s Day. But whether you love it with all your heart or loathe it with every fiber of your being, you’ll love this week’s Jammin’ with Jamie, which is bursting with…

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