Category Archives: Television/TV

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Marvelous Motivational Melodies (2025)”!

Hi, everyone!

Have you kept your New Year’s resolutions? Have you even started them? Did you make any?

Regardless, it can always be hard to start something new. It can be hard to keep up something new after the initial thrill goes away. Even if the so-called “new thing” is just rededicating yourself to something that’s become so automated for you.

If you like music, I’ve found that a great way to get a boost is to listen to the right song.

Whether it’s earnestly inspiring or hilariously twisted, either way, it either motivates you or distracts you long enough to take that first step.

So let’s do it! Let’s jam to a mix of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Pet Pieces (2025)”!

Hi, everyone!

With the weather being quite cold in many places, a lot of people are no doubt trying to stay inside as much as they can. While alone time can be a great way to rest, recharge, and refocus, when you do want companionship and no humans are available, we’re not out of options!

Get ready to bark, meow, and “blub” to a pack of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Space Songs (2025)”!

Hi, everyone!

We had our first full moon of the year this week, also known as the Wolf Moon, so let’s, as they say, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

Let’s blast off as we jam to a solar system of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Blizzard Beats (2025)”!

Hi, everyone!

Summer seems to have finally sputtered out, and we’re in the midst of winter!

Whether you love the snow, the ice, and all the outdoor and indoor possibilities that come with winter, or insist on locking yourself indoors until it all thaws out, warm up with us as we jam to a batch of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “New Beginning Beats (2025)”!

Hi, everyone!

Happy New Year!

While a new beginning can start on any day and at any time, a lot of people and organizations create circumstances where it coincides with a new year.

So… let’s take the opportunity and jam to a batch of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Haunting Holiday Harmonies (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

Yes, the holiday season is a time for giving, for hope, for showing love and forgiveness… There’s a lot of good and joy in the season! … But there’s also a dark side.

From holiday annoyances, to post-holiday blues, to loneliness, to the grumps who see the slightest smile and scoff, “Humbug!”, whether they’re celebrating in unconventional ways or grunting and groaning their way through the season with hearts as cold as the weather outside… sometimes, you just have to let those frustrations out! … In a healthy way!

Join us as we gather for a healthy jam session of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Celebrating the Season Songs (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

This is our last jam session before Christmas, Chanukah, and Kwanzaa officially start!

So let’s not waste any time diving into our sack of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Santa Songs (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

Last week, many people celebrated St. Nicholas Day, which means the presents have already started being delivered. … Which also means that the folks up at the North Pole are currently working overtime to get everything ready in time for the big day!

So let’s give them some fun tunes to jam to as they work through the holiday rush!

Load of the sleigh and hop in as we jam to a sack of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Getting into the Spirit of the Season Songs (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

Halloween has crept back into the crypt…

Thanksgiving has passed through our systems…

It’s December…

It’s officially the holiday season!

But since we just finished spooky season, we need some harmonies to help us say, “Hello!” to the holidays!

So let’s jam to a sack of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Fantastic Food Follies (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

I hope all of you who celebrate had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

… And I hope you saved room, because this week, we’re cooking up a feast of…

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