Hi, everyone!
As I discussed last week, we’re going through the annual transition from Halloween to the rest of the year, and looking ahead to the many holidays celebrated between now and the time we change our calendars.
As I’m sure most of you are aware, the first among the rest of these holidays is coming up next Thursday––– Thanksgiving! Of course, Thanksgiving is all about being thankful, and I’m thankful that I get to have a jam session with all of you every week!
But of course, we all know what else Thanksgiving brings every fourth Thursday of November. So this week, we’re going to jam to…
… “Tasty Tunes”!
We’ll be jammin’ to songs all about all kinds of food––– and drinks! Suddenly, “jam” takes on a whole new meaning!
As I was cooking up this week’s jam session, I realized very quickly that there were just far too many food-related tunes to fit into just one jam session! So, this week’s jam session will actually just be the first course… with the rest to come next week! Over the next two weeks, we’re going to “jam” (food-related pun intended!) through a whole meal: from drinks to dessert!
So far, the “Tasty Tunes” we’ll be jammin’ to this week and next week come courtesy of artists such as Julie Andrews, Jimmy Buffett, the Muppets, Tom Hanks, Cookie Monster, and Riders in the Sky. Certain selections come from films such as Mary Poppins (1964), Popeye (1980), The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (2005), Beauty and the Beast (1991), and The Polar Express (2004).
I hope you consider jammin’ with us this week and next week! If you’d like more information about the show and how you can tune in and jam with us, you can find everything you need right here!
Thank you for reading, listening, and jammin’,
Jamie Lee