Hi, everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
This is the time of year to remind ourselves of all that we’re thankful for. While I was doing just that, I figured I might as well write down my thoughts and share them with all of you!
I’m thankful to be at Northwestern University, for so many reasons. I’m thankful to be studying what I’ve been wanting to pursue since I was ten years old (Radio/Television/Film). Attending Northwestern has given me many opportunities that I’m very thankful for––– far too many to list here. I’ve had many all-around great professors and classes, and there are still more to come! I also live in a fantastic dorm filled with even more fantastic people.
Speaking of fantastic people, I’m thankful for my family. I’ll be the first to admit that I have some pretty crazy aspirations, but my family supports my pursuits and reminds me that my aspirations may not be as crazy as others sometimes make them out to be.
I’m thankful for all of my fantastic friends: the new ones, the veterans, and everyone in between. I am truly and deeply thankful for every single one of you. Just by smiling at me and saying, “Hi, Jamie!” you make my whole day.
I’m thankful for all of the terrific and literally life-changing things that have come and continue to come from my “senior project”: a yearlong project I did my senior year of high school. My topic of choice was horror hosts. I could go on and on forever about how much of a joy it was to work on that project, but far and away the very best thing about it was that I was able to meet so many talented and all-around terrific people, many of whom I now have the extreme good fortune of calling, “friends.” To the amazing hosts who were gracious enough to allow me to interview you––– Count Gregula, Ms. Monster, Count Gore De Vol, Wolfman Mac (and Boney Bob), Mr. Lobo, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, and Svengoolie––– thank you once again for going far above and beyond in your enthusiasm, kindness, and generosity. To all of the other wonderful people I met as a result of the project––– Dave Fuentes and David Albaugh of Terror from Beyond the Daves, Dixie Dellamorto, Guillermo Martinez, Ron and Angela Urban, Jimmy and Carol Fergus, and so many others––– I’m so thankful for your friendship.
I’m thankful for the incredible opportunity I had over the summer––– for those of you who know me, you know what I’m referring to. I was able to get to know and work for so many amazing people and watch them in action.
As I look back on this list, I’m also thankful that it’s as long as it is. Just a few short years ago, it would have been much shorter, and I’m thankful that that part of my life is now behind me.
And, of course, I’m thankful for all of you who are reading this. I have no way of knowing who you are (unless, of course, you leave a comment!), but I can see the number of page hits and visitors I have. So, whoever you are, thank you!
Thank you for reading,
Jamie Lee