Category Archives: Thanksgiving

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Fantastic Food Follies (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

I hope all of you who celebrate had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

… And I hope you saved room, because this week, we’re cooking up a feast of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Fantastic Food Follies (Part 2) (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

Remember back around Thanksgiving time when we jammed to a feast of fantastic food follies and I promised we’d all get a second helping? Well, some things happened in the Jammin’ with Jamie kitchen, and that second course got delayed a bit. But, that just means it had time to marinate to perfection!

So let’s jam to a feast of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Fantastic Food Follies (Part 1) (2023)”!

Hi, everyone!

Some of us may already be preparing for an upcoming holiday… no, not that one… There’s another one first! Okay, well, depending on where you’re jammin’ with us from, maybe not, so let me let you in on it… in the U.S., we’re coming up on Thanksgiving. Celebrating Thanksgiving usually involves a pretty big meal with many different options of food and drink.

Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, most of us can relate to food!

So let’s jam to a feast of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Food Follies (2021)”!

Hi, everyone!

If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you all had a happy one! And if you don’t, I hope you had a happy Thursday!

While we’re still digesting everything we ingested on Thanksgiving, let’s fill up even more on a feast of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Filling Thanksgiving Follies”!

Hi, everyone!

Due to illness, this Jammin’ with Jamie jam session will jam Saturday, November 26!

Next Thursday, it’s time to gather with friends and family to celebrate Thanksgiving!

While you’re thinking about what you’re thankful for and working up an appetite, make sure you jam with us (pun intended), as we tide ourselves over with an appetizer of…

Dinner’s up!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Scrumptious Songs”!

Hi, everyone!

As I’m sure all of you Jammers out there are aware, next Thursday is Thanksgiving!

So this week, “jam” takes on a whole other meaning, as we “jam” to…

I can’t hear the music over my stomach growling!

What I’m Thankful for

Hi, everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

This is the time of year to remind ourselves of all that we’re thankful for. While I was doing just that, I figured I might as well write down my thoughts and share them with all of you!

With that, let’s get started!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Tasty Tunes: Part 1 and 2 (Thanksgiving 2013: Part 1 and 2)”!

Hi, everyone!

As I discussed last week, we’re going through the annual transition from Halloween to the rest of the year, and looking ahead to the many holidays celebrated between now and the time we change our calendars.

As I’m sure most of you are aware, the first among the rest of these holidays is coming up next Thursday––– Thanksgiving! Of course, Thanksgiving is all about being thankful, and I’m thankful that I get to have a jam session with all of you every week!

But of course, we all know what else Thanksgiving brings every fourth Thursday of November. So this week, we’re going to jam to…

… To?