Category Archives: Idina Menzel

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Jamie’s Favorite Jams (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

Summer has officially begun, and that means it’s almost your DJ’s birthday!

So, it’s time to jam to a jumble of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Me Melodies (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

People talk a lot about self-care, self-reflection, self-love…

… themselves, basically.

While all of that is important, there are also people who get so wrapped up in themselves that they can’t cut their way out of it.

So before we break out and change the world, let’s reflect, reinvent, and wrap ourselves in a mix of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Amazing Animal Anthems (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

This Jammin’ with Jamie jam session will air THIS WEEK, on Saturday, April 27!

The weather’s slowly, but surely, getting warmer, and as that happens, more and more living things start to show themselves outside, from plants, to humans… to animals!

So, let’s invite our animal friends to join us as we jam to an avalanche of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Fantastic Friendship Follies (Part 2) (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

Our weird and wonderful Valentine’s Day celebration got two parts, and our friends deserve the same!

So, it’s time for another flock of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Fantastic Friendship Follies (Part 1) (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

We just celebrated Valentine’s Day in our own, quirky Jammin’ with Jamie way. More conventional celebrations of Valentine’s Day and romance were everywhere.

Romantic love had its celebration. So now, it’s time to celebrate a type of relationship that’s not celebrated as often, with a flock of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Leap Day Lyrics (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

We just had a rare day! It gave us a whole extra day!

Even if you didn’t do anything during that specific day, it still gave us a bonus day this year to work toward our goals, do things we’ve never done, and have fun!

So let’s leap into a load of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Ludicrous Love Lyrics (Part 2) (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

We’re still “celebrating” Valentine’s Day… in our own Jammin’ with Jamie way!

Whether you love it with all your heart, loathe it with the heat of a thousand star-crossed hearts, or think the whole hullabaloo is hilarious, you don’t want to miss this Jammin’ with Jamie!

Jam with us to another load of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “New Beginning Beats (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are both symbolically and literally times when we start anew. Sometimes by our own choice. Sometimes by the choices of people around us who decide that date is as good a date as any. Whether it’s thrust upon you or you chose to begin a new chapter, either way towards the end of January… that’s when it can start to turn. Maybe there’s more of a learning curve than you’re used to. Maybe you’re not getting the results you hoped for. Maybe, for whatever reason, you’re just getting sick of it.

Whether you’re excited, venting, or just want to reignite that spark inside you, we’ve got tunes for you, as we jam to a batch of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Getting into the Spirit of the Season Songs (2023)”!

Hi, everyone!

We’ve passed Halloween… we’ve passed Thanksgiving… and we’ve even passed November. We’re finally in December… which means no one can complain!

Well, they can. But they’d be wrong.

It’s time to open up the sack and unleash…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Marvelous Moon Melodies (2023)”!

Hi, everyone!

We’ve jammed to summer songs, space songs, and sunny songs. And there’s a lot of crossover there, because the sun is a huge part of summer… and it’s in space!

But it shines so brightly––– both literally and figuratively––– that another celestial body is left in the shadows. But it can be just as beautiful as the brightest sunny day. So, let’s turn our attention to what brings us light after the sun sets with a mix of…

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