Category Archives: Idina Menzel

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Hello Harmonies”!

Hi, everyone!

Last week, we said, “Goodbye,” to the “old year” with a series of songs saying, “Sayonara,” to habits, relationships, hometowns, old ideas, and more: some sentimental, and some hilarious.

This week, we’ll turn to the flip side of that and jam to a heaping helping of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Bye Bye Beats”!

Hi, everyone!

NO, Jammin’ with Jamie is not going anywhere! But in the new year, you might be! And before you say, “Hello!”, you often have to say, “Goodbye.” So whether you’re laughing maniacally while sprinting and screaming, “Sayonara, suckers!” or standing there awkwardly sniffing and searching for the right words, this jam session will put a smile on your face with a batch of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “April Fools’ Follies (2018)”!

Hi, everyone!

I’m sure some of you are either preparing to pull pranks, bracing yourself for incoming pranks, or both. So while you strategically plant that whoopee cushion, jam with us for some inspiration… and maybe for some caution. Sometimes, pranks are fun, but don’t let the fooling go too far.

From fooling people, to being fooled, to fooling ourselves, to having foolish ideas, I can promise you one thing: jammin’ with us this week is not a fool’s errand, as we have a whole gag bag comically overflowing with…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Cold Weather Choruses”!

Hi, everyone!

This time of year is a weird time for weather. It’s technically still winter, and yet, people are looking ahead to spring. And if you’re in the Chicagoland area, it’s downright confusing. One day brings torrential rain, the next brings howling wind, and the next brings torrential snow.

The clingy cold weather may be irritating for some, but remember: warm weather is just around the corner! Until then, let’s do what we can to enjoy what’s left of winter with an avalanche of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Comeback Choruses”!

Hi, everyone!

It’s true! After a sudden and longer-than-anticipated hiatus, “I’m ba-ack!” Jammin’ with Jamie is returning to 89.3 WNUR FM on Satuday, February 3!

Without any further ado, let’s dive right into our first theme since our break! I can’t think of a much better way to celebrate a comeback with a cavalcade of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Rise Up Refrains”!

Hi, everyone!

Here at Jammin’ with Jamie, we jam to a lot of songs celebrating people (and other individuals) who take a stand. So I’ve decided to gather a whole group of them to create a powerful demonstration of…

What do we want?!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Misfit Melodies”!

Hi, everyone!

Thank you all so much, Jammers, for tuning in for and participating in Elliott Serrano’s and my conversation about Pee-wee’s Big Holiday to celebrate the film’s one-year anniversary! Elliott and I had a wonderful and fun conversation…

… that has been immortalized on YouTube!

If you’re a Jammin’ with Jamie Jammer, it’s safe to say that you’re anything but typical… just like me!

But bands of misfits make the best music! And we’re going to prove that once and for all by jammin’ to a mix of…

Weirdos unite!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Romantic Troubles Tunes”!

Hi, everyone!

Whether you spent Valentine’s Day with your significant other, a friend or group of friends, or just yourself, I hope the day was a great one! Here on Jammin’ with Jamie, we’re going to keep celebrating!

In the second part of this two-part theme, we’re going to delve into the many bumps on the road of love. From the hoops people jump through to impress, to love triangles, to fights of epic proportions, we’re going to be working through a lot of issues this week in our own unique Jammin’ with Jamie way, with a track list of…

We need to talk…

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Stepping Out Solo Songs”!

Hi, everyone!

Love it or loathe it, we’re heading toward Valentine’s Day. Around this time of year, there’s a huge focus on finding someone to share your life with. Most of the focus is on finding a significant other, though there’s a growing movement showing that friendships are just as important.

But we all know what it’s like when you just have to go solo. Rather than stay at home and mope about it, take advantage of it! Do something you’ve always wanted to do, go somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, try something new, meet new people, and enjoy it!

The spotlight’s ready, it’s your time, so come on out and seize your moment with a set of…

Get ready for your big solo!