Category Archives: Jammin’ with Jamie

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Ludicrous Love Lyrics (Part 1) (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

We just celebrated another holiday! Yup… Valentine’s Day.

Whether you love it with all your heart, loathe it with the heat of a thousand star-crossed hearts, or think the whole hullabaloo is hilarious, you don’t want to miss this Jammin’ with Jamie!

Jam with us to a load of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Kirk Thatcher Interview & Marvelous Muppet Melodies (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

If you’ve been jammin’ with us on Jammin’ with Jamie for the past couple of weeks, I hope you’ve been enjoying our interview with writer, director, actor, and “punk on assorted Star Trek buses”… Kirk Thatcher!

This week, we’re wrapping up the edited version of our interview. After the edited interview parts air, go to my YouTube channel, @JackalopeJamie, to see the full interview… with video!

… And after we finish, we’ll still be jammin’!

So join us for a mix of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie”: Kirk Thatcher Interview!

Hi, everyone!

Longtime loyal Jammin’ with Jamie Jammers––– and even brand new Jammers––– know that I love the Muppets. On the show, we’ve jammed to songs from many Muppet projects, including Muppets Haunted Mansion (2021), It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie (2002), and various online Muppet music videos and online videos.

Fun fact: those two movies and many of the music videos were directed by the same person!

An even more fun fact: that person’s on Jammin’ with Jamie this week!

Please join me in giving a warm Jammin’ with Jamie welcome to writer, director, actor, and “punk on assorted Star Trek buses”…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “New Beginning Beats (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are both symbolically and literally times when we start anew. Sometimes by our own choice. Sometimes by the choices of people around us who decide that date is as good a date as any. Whether it’s thrust upon you or you chose to begin a new chapter, either way towards the end of January… that’s when it can start to turn. Maybe there’s more of a learning curve than you’re used to. Maybe you’re not getting the results you hoped for. Maybe, for whatever reason, you’re just getting sick of it.

Whether you’re excited, venting, or just want to reignite that spark inside you, we’ve got tunes for you, as we jam to a batch of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Fantastic Food Follies (Part 2) (2024)”!

Hi, everyone!

Remember back around Thanksgiving time when we jammed to a feast of fantastic food follies and I promised we’d all get a second helping? Well, some things happened in the Jammin’ with Jamie kitchen, and that second course got delayed a bit. But, that just means it had time to marinate to perfection!

So let’s jam to a feast of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Celebrating the Season Songs (2023)”!

Hi, everyone!

This week’s Jammin’ with Jamie will have a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT about an upcoming show!

We’ll jam to our Haunting Holiday Harmonies jam session next Saturday! Thank you for your patience as WNUR works through hiccups.

Some of us are getting ready for Christmas, some of us are getting ready for Kwanzaa, and some of us who celebrated Chanukah, which ended last week, and other holidays from earlier in the month may still be enjoying what resulted from those holidays.

So, we’re going to jam to a sack of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Haunting Holiday Harmonies (2023)”!

Hi, everyone!

Some people love the holiday season. Some people feel… less than jolly.

Many of our spooky pals celebrate the season like so many of us do… just a little differently.

Either way, on this week’s Jammin’ with Jamie, it’s a time to vent, a time to explore the darker side of the holidays, a time to confront the loneliness, isolation, and other less-than-jolly feelings some people feel this time of year, and a time for some fun, freaky festivities, with a host of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Santa Songs (2023)”!

Hi, everyone!

There’s a certain “man with the bag” up at the North Pole who, with his wife, elves, and reindeer, is working very hard right now. Plus, Chanukah started!

So, grab the nearest sleigh and reindeer to catch a flight up north… way up north… as we jam to a sack of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Getting into the Spirit of the Season Songs (2023)”!

Hi, everyone!

We’ve passed Halloween… we’ve passed Thanksgiving… and we’ve even passed November. We’re finally in December… which means no one can complain!

Well, they can. But they’d be wrong.

It’s time to open up the sack and unleash…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Fantastic Food Follies (Part 1) (2023)”!

Hi, everyone!

Some of us may already be preparing for an upcoming holiday… no, not that one… There’s another one first! Okay, well, depending on where you’re jammin’ with us from, maybe not, so let me let you in on it… in the U.S., we’re coming up on Thanksgiving. Celebrating Thanksgiving usually involves a pretty big meal with many different options of food and drink.

Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, most of us can relate to food!

So let’s jam to a feast of…

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