Tag Archives: Marvelous Motivational Melodies

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Marvelous Motivational Melodies (2025)”!

Hi, everyone!

Have you kept your New Year’s resolutions? Have you even started them? Did you make any?

Regardless, it can always be hard to start something new. It can be hard to keep up something new after the initial thrill goes away. Even if the so-called “new thing” is just rededicating yourself to something that’s become so automated for you.

If you like music, I’ve found that a great way to get a boost is to listen to the right song.

Whether it’s earnestly inspiring or hilariously twisted, either way, it either motivates you or distracts you long enough to take that first step.

So let’s do it! Let’s jam to a mix of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Marvelous Motivational Melodies (2022)”!

Hi, everyone!

We’ve all had times when we’ve decided to pursue a new goal, forge a new path, or just leave something that’s not making us happy, not helping us, or holding us back. Some people use New Year’s resolutions, the start of a new month, the start of a new season, their birthdays, or any other sort of momentous milestone as a symbolic “starting line” for turning the page.

But you don’t need any sort of special occasion to start writing a new chapter in our lives. But, if you need a jam session, you’re in luck, because we’re about to jam to a magnificent mix of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Marvelous Motivational Melodies”!

Hi, everyone!

It’s about the time of year when a lot of people start giving up on their New Year’s resolutions. Whether they’re voluntarily throwing in the towel, “taking a break,” or just completely forgot that they even made a resolution, by the end of January, many people find themselves disillusioned that the New Year isn’t bringing them all that they’d hoped.

But here’s the big secret: positive change and growth don’t just happen because you changed your calendar. Goals don’t achieve themselves. You have to make them happen.

As I’ve said many times before on Jammin’ with Jamie, one way to get and stay motivated is to get a great song in your head. Whether it’s just to distract you until you’ve started and you’re on a roll, or to keep you going after you’ve made that first step, having a song to make you smile and push harder can be indispensable.

But where can you find such songs? I’m glad you asked! And even if you didn’t, here’s the answer: just jam with us on this week’s Jammin’ with Jamie, where we’ll be presenting a mix of…

And you don’t even have to leave your house!