Category Archives: Pixar

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Tax Tunes (2018)”!

Hi, everyone!

I’m sure some of you who will be jammin’ with us are up this early because you’re rushing to finish your taxes. Well, as you understandably try to avoid freaking out about finances, here’s some good news: you can always jam with us for free!

So let’s dive Scrooge McDuck-style into a jam session that’s rich with…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Friendship Follies (2018)”!

Hi, everyone!

In another grand Jammin’ with Jamie tradition, since, last time, we acknowledged Valentine’s Day with a set of sidesplitting, sidesplitting serenades, this week, we’ll shift the focus to…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Job Jams”!

Hi, everyone!

We’re celebrating the 4th of July on Jammin’ with Jamie, though in a different way than you might expect.

Since we jammed to politically-adjacent pieces recently, we’re going tackle this jam session from a different angle. We’re going to turn our focus to a subject that gets a lot of political attention from every side of the proverbial aisle.

So spruce up your resume and brush up on your interview skills, because we’re going to be jammin’ to some…

You’re hired!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “New-Fangled Follies”!

Hi, everyone!

We’re getting close to spring, and a new season brings all sorts of transitions to other new things. This is especially true for spring: the warm temperatures coming back, plants starting to grow again, birds coming back from migration and hatching their eggs, and more all give us a feeling of new beginnings and new life.

So this week, on an all-new Jammin’ with Jamie, we’re going to jam to…


“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Friendship Follies”!

Hi, everyone!

It’s time to continue another grand and beloved––– by me, anyway––– Jammin’ with Jamie tradition!

Now that Valentine’s Day has passed, the intense focus on romantic relationships has become… slightly less intense. But whether you’re in a romantic relationship or not, it’s important to remember that other relationships are just as important!

So grab your friends and join us for a flock of…

“Thank you for being a Jammer!”

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Filling Thanksgiving Follies”!

Hi, everyone!

Due to illness, this Jammin’ with Jamie jam session will jam Saturday, November 26!

Next Thursday, it’s time to gather with friends and family to celebrate Thanksgiving!

While you’re thinking about what you’re thankful for and working up an appetite, make sure you jam with us (pun intended), as we tide ourselves over with an appetizer of…

Dinner’s up!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Labor Lyrics”!

Hi, everyone!

This Monday is Labor Day, and as you longtime loyal Jammers know, we at Jammin’ with Jamie don’t like to let a holiday go by without celebrating!

So kick off your long weekend with Jammin’ with Jamie, as we jam to…

Time to clock in for our jam session!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Space Songs”!

Hi, everyone!

It’s time for another Jammin’ with Jamie jam session celebrating a new film release!

Last week, Star Trek Beyond boldly went into theaters across the galaxy!

Here’s the trailer…

So set your phasers to “stun,” make sure all your red shirts are way in the back of your closet (unless you’re Scotty), and buckle up, as we boldly go… where no jam session has gone before…

Beam us up!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Bonus Business Beats”!

Hi, everyone!

We had so many requests during last week’s Jammin’ with Jamie jam session, I decided to extend the theme for another week!

Now that all of us have successfully filed out income taxes (hopefully), we can all really let loose and jam to…

But wait, there’s more!-

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Songs of Friendship!”

Hi, everyone!

Oftentimes, it can seem like there’s just too much emphasis on romantic relationships.

So, after our annual Jammin’ with Jamie Valentine’s Day shows, I like to turn the attention to something that I don’t think gets celebrated nearly enough…

Then let’s celebrate!