Category Archives: Arthur

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Science Songs”!

Hi, everyone!

The end of the school year is fast approaching. For students and teachers, this means finals, grading, and lots and lots of brain work. But whether you’re going on summer break, going into the dreaded summer school, or haven’t set foot in a classroom in years, you need to stay sharp!

So, let’s head to our first class! First on our schedule…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Spring Songs (2018)”!

Hi, everyone!

We’re officially in a new season, so it’s time to celebrate! Whether you’re out tending your garden, flying a kite, or nursing some allergies, tune into Jammin’ with Jamie as we jam to some…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Travel Tunes (2017)”!

Hi, everyone!

At this time of year, many of us travel, whether for day trips or full-blown vacations.

We’ve done this a couple times before, which means we have some “frequent Jammer miles” on this Jammin’ with Jamie theme. This will be the first part of a two-part jam session, so make sure you stay with us next week, too!

No need to pack anything: just bring your singing voice and your senses of humor and adventure as we head out toward the horizon with a trunk full of trailblazing…

Let’s head out!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Mother’s Day Melodies (2017)”!

Hi, everyone!

It’s time for another annual Jammin’ with Jamie tradition!

This Sunday is Mother’s Day!

… Now that you’re done panicking because you forgot, let me help you out!

1. Jam with us on Jammin’ with Jamie this Saturday at 7 am ET/6 am CT.
2. Ask me for the recording afterwards.
3. Instant gift for your mother or mother figure!

So with that, let’s roll into our annual mix of…

Call your mother/mother figure!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Halfway to Halloween (2017)”!

Due to technical issues, this Jammin’ with Jamie will happen Saturday, May 6!

Hi, everyone!

It’s time for another annual Jammin’ with Jamie tradition… that started last year.

But it was a ton of freaky fun, so we’re doing it again!

You’ve heard of Christmas in July, now get ready for an early celebration of another holiday!

Six months from now, we’ll be having a ghoulishly good time celebrating, so let’s start now with a haunted house of harmonies reminding us that we’re…

Clear away those cobwebs to reveal…

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Easter Egg Hunt Harmonies”!

Hi, everyone!

I did another musical improv show at iO in Chicago in the group “Charge Me Up”! Check out our performance!

I’m putting my improv shows in a playlist on my YouTube channel, which you can check out here:

It’s no secret that Jammin’ with Jamie loves to celebrate holidays! As has become a tradition for our jam sessions, we’ll be going on a hunt for a heap of…

Grab your baskets!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Stepping Out Solo Songs”!

Hi, everyone!

Love it or loathe it, we’re heading toward Valentine’s Day. Around this time of year, there’s a huge focus on finding someone to share your life with. Most of the focus is on finding a significant other, though there’s a growing movement showing that friendships are just as important.

But we all know what it’s like when you just have to go solo. Rather than stay at home and mope about it, take advantage of it! Do something you’ve always wanted to do, go somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, try something new, meet new people, and enjoy it!

The spotlight’s ready, it’s your time, so come on out and seize your moment with a set of…

Get ready for your big solo!

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Reflective Wrap-Up Refrains”!

Hi, everyone!

Now that the New Year has arrived, holiday season is officially over. The next major holiday isn’t for another month, and it’s a divisive one, to say the least!

Until then, we’re in this odd “in-between” time: fresh off a series of tightly-packed holidays, still in the midst of winter, and searching for something to look forward to.

But, we can still enjoy this time! If you watched any version of A Christmas Carol during holiday season, you probably heard the line about living “in the past, the present, and the future.”

So, we’re going to take this time to do just that, and jam to a round of…

“Magic mirror on the wall…”

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Holiday Celebration Songs”!

Hi, everyone!

There are still more holiday/Christmas/winter tunes under the tree!

Since this Jammin’ with Jamie jam session will jam the morning of Christmas Eve and the first night of Chanukah, many of you will be starting your holiday celebrations, and we’re going to help with some sensational…

Are they also “Muppetational”?-