Category Archives: Theater

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Colorful Choruses”!

Hi, everyone!

This week, the weather’s warming up… sort of… in certain areas… for a little while. Anyway, the white of winter’s melted away, and although there are still some muddy browns, we’re seeing a lot more color outside!

… Or at least, that would be what you might think if you’re the time to seal yourself away indoors for the duration of chilly weather. In reality, there are all sorts of colors all year round!

But just in case you need a refresher on what’s out there, we have a whole crayon box full of… Continue reading

“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Motivational Melodies (2019)”!

Hi, everyone!

Remember those New Year’s Resolutions you made? Or maybe the ones you made last year? Yeah, whatever happened to those?

Maybe you’re still chipping away at yours, in which case, congratulations! Or maybe you’ve fallen away from working towards your goal.

You longtime loyal Jammin’ with Jamie Jammers know this well, but for those of you who are new, here’s a little something about me: I’m pretty big on motivating you all to go for your dreams and do your best. And I work as hard and as often as I can to do the same in my own life.

But I know as well as anyone that it can be very difficult to get and stay motivated and to have confidence in yourself, your abilities, and that your efforts can and will pay off in some way. Sure, you can give yourself pep talks all you want, but you can start to wonder if you’re just being delusional.

But don’t despair! It’s all about taking one step at a time. And it’s much easier to take those steps if you’re feeling good. So, whether you’re trying to trick yourself into taking a chance or just wanting to laugh a little more as you confidently stride onward and upward, join us as we jam to a mix of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Friendship Follies (2019) (Part 1)”!

Hi, everyone!

Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate romance… which, let’s be honest, gets celebrated a lot. What doesn’t get celebrated as much is friendship. So let’s do it ourselves!

Friends are special people. They aren’t tied to us by romance, and often aren’t related to us by blood, and yet, they still choose to care about us and become a part of our lives.

… But before they realize exactly what they’ve gotten themselves into, let’s delay that epiphany with a flood of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Sidesplitting Serenades (2019) (Part 2)”!

Hi, everyone!

Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but just like how a relationship can linger after it’s over, so does this twisted Jammin’ with Jamie theme…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Sidesplitting Serenades (2019) (Part 1)”!

Hi, everyone!

It’s time for one of Jammin’ with Jamie’s grand and beloved traditions! … Beloved by me, anyway.

A certain divisive holiday is lurking just around the corner… Valentine’s Day. But whether you love it with all your heart or loathe it with every fiber of your being, you’ll love this week’s Jammin’ with Jamie, which is bursting with…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Hello Harmonies”!

Hi, everyone!

Last week, we said, “Goodbye,” to the “old year” with a series of songs saying, “Sayonara,” to habits, relationships, hometowns, old ideas, and more: some sentimental, and some hilarious.

This week, we’ll turn to the flip side of that and jam to a heaping helping of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Dark Holiday Ditties”!

UPDATE: This jam session will air Saturday, December 29!

Hi, everyone!

Does the holiday season make you want to yell, “Humbug!”? Are you dreading the stress, or already drowning in it? Are you feeling lonely, missing your loved ones… or missing your time away from your loved ones?

Well, put on your black Santa hats and your best Scrooge-style snarl, because this week, we’ve got a sack full of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Christmas (and Holiday) Kickoff Choruses”!

Hi, everyone!

We need a little Christmas, right this very minute! And Chanukah! And St. Nicholas Day! And so many other holidays!

So let’s get rolling down the snow bank with a sleigh full of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Spooky Supernatural Songs (2018)”!

Hi, everyone!

This week, we’re going to begin our descent into the dark side. The leaves are changing colors and falling to the ground. There’s a slight chill in the air. You see a shadow for a split second from just around the corner. Or did you? Better keep your holy water, crucifixes, and silver weapons of choice handy, fellow Jammers, and stay with us as we hold out until sunrise…

… But in the meantime, we can always listen to some macabre music to lift our spirits––– pun always intended––– with a set of…

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“Jammin’ with Jamie” Theme: “Animal Anthems (2018)”!

Hi, everyone!

This week’s jam session is for the birds! It’s going to the dogs! It’s the cat’s pajamas! It’s…

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